We need you to comply with the new EU Data Protection Regulation

You are at the core of our organisation, You are at the core of GDPR. You are the experts. You know what is happening on the ground in relation to the processing of our customers Personal Data. Therefore, you have a duty of care to keep their data safe.

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Course overview

Staff awareness forms a large part of the regulation. That’s why you need to arm yourself and your staff with the information they need to make significant strides towards compliance.

At gdprcourse.com we offer the vital staff training and awareness that your business needs.

Preview our GDPR awareness course for Organisations

Our GDPR course is designed to make your learning experience as easy as possible.

The course provides you and your staff with key facts about the upcoming General Data Protection Regulation.

More importantly, it also provides your company with a complete online audit trail as standard, so you know who has completed the training and passed the test.

So why risk a substantial fine, when you could get your business up-to-date and ready, right now?